Scholarships To Study In The UK With Free Visa Sponsorship: Apply Here

Scholarships To Study In The UK With Free Visa Sponsorship: Apply Here

Studying in the United Kingdom is a dream for many students around the world. Renowned for its academic excellence, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant student life, the UK offers a wide range of educational opportunities. However, pursuing higher education abroad can be financially challenging for many students. This is where scholarships play a crucial role in making the dream of studying in the UK a reality. Scholarships to study in the UK offer financial assistance to students, helping them cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs.

Scholarships to study in the UK are awarded based on various criteria such as academic merit, financial need, leadership potential, and extracurricular achievements. Scholarships provide an avenue for talented and deserving students to access quality education and gain valuable international experience.

In the UK, scholarships are available at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, across various disciplines and fields of study. Universities, government organizations, private foundations, and other institutions offer scholarships to attract top talent from around the world and promote diversity in their student body.

In this article, we are going to discuss different scholarships to study in the UK for the session with their specific eligibility criteria, application requirements, and deadlines. It is advisable to start the scholarship application process well in advance to ensure ample time for preparation and submission.

Best Scholarships To Study In The UK

There are several scholarships to study in the UK available for foreign students who wish to further their education in the country. Here are some of the prominent scholarships and funding options.

1. Chevening Scholarships

The Chevening Scholarships, funded by the UK government, are prestigious awards offered to outstanding individuals with leadership potential. These scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and provide a monthly stipend. They are available for master’s degree programs across a wide range of disciplines.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a citizen of an eligible Chevening-eligible country (typically countries from around the world).
  • Must have completed an undergraduate degree to be eligible for a master’s program in the UK.
  • Should have a minimum of two years of work experience (requirements may vary by country).
  • Must meet the academic requirements of the UK university and the course you are applying for.
  • Should demonstrate leadership potential, academic excellence, and a strong commitment to making a positive impact

Scholarship Benefits and Worth

  • Benefits: Covers full or partial tuition fees, living expenses, airfare, and visa costs, and provides a monthly stipend.
  • Scholarship Worth: Varies depending on the recipient’s circumstances and the duration of the chosen program.

Scholarship Duration

Master’s degree scholarships: Typically, the duration is one year for full-time master’s programs.

2. Commonwealth Scholarships

The Commonwealth Scholarships are funded by the UK government in partnership with various Commonwealth countries. These scholarships support students from developing Commonwealth nations to pursue postgraduate studies in the UK. The awards cover tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and provide additional allowances

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a citizen of a Commonwealth country (varies depending on the specific scholarship).
  • Should hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honors standard (some scholarships may have higher requirements).
  • Must be applying for a full-time master’s or Ph.D. program at a UK university.
  • Should demonstrate academic excellence, potential to contribute to the development of the home country, and a commitment to promoting Commonwealth values

Scholarship Benefits and Worth

  • Benefits: Covers full or partial tuition fees, living expenses, airfare, thesis grant (if applicable), and provides additional allowances for warm clothing, arrival, and study travel.
  • Scholarship Worth: Varies depending on the scholarship and the level of study. Generally, it covers most of the study-related expenses.

Scholarship Duration

  • Master’s degree scholarships: The duration is usually one to two years, depending on the specific program and university.
  • Ph.D. scholarships: The duration can range from three to four years, depending on the research program

3. UK Government Scholarships (such as the GREAT Scholarships):

The UK government, through various initiatives like the GREAT Scholarships, offers scholarships for international students from specific countries. These scholarships are available for undergraduate and postgraduate programs and cover partial or full tuition fees.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligibility criteria for UK government scholarships can vary depending on the specific program and country of origin.
  • Generally, scholarships are available for students from specific countries (e.g., China, India, Indonesia, etc.).
  • Eligibility requirements may include academic merit, English language proficiency, and meeting the specific criteria set by the scholarship program

Scholarship Benefits and Worth

  • Benefits: Varies depending on the specific scholarship program and country of origin. It may cover partial or full tuition fees, living expenses, and other associated costs.
  • Scholarship Worth: Varies depending on the specific scholarship program. It can range from partial funding to full scholarships.

Scholarship Duration

The duration of these scholarships can vary depending on the specific program and level of study. It can range from one year for master’s degree programs to three to four years for Ph.D. programs.

4. Erasmus+ Scholarships

The Erasmus+ program, funded by the European Union, provides scholarships for students from EU member countries to study abroad. Under this program, students can pursue undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the UK and receive financial support for tuition fees and living expenses

Eligibility Requirements

  • Available for students from EU member countries and countries participating in the Erasmus+ program (non-EU countries).
  • Must be enrolled in a participating higher education institution and studying a program that is part of the Erasmus+ program.
  • Should meet the academic and language requirements set by the sending and receiving institutions.
  • Requirements and eligibility criteria can vary, so it’s important to check with the specific institution or program for detailed information

Scholarship Benefits and Worth

  • Benefits: Covers tuition fees, and living expenses, and provides a monthly stipend to help with the additional costs of studying abroad.
  • Scholarship Worth: Varies depending on the duration and destination of the study program. The scholarship amount is designed to support the student’s study and living expenses.

Scholarship Duration

The duration of the Erasmus+ scholarships can vary depending on the specific study program and the agreement between the sending and receiving institutions. Typically, the scholarships cover one or two semesters or an academic year.

5. Rhodes Scholarships

The Rhodes Scholarships are highly prestigious and competitive awards offered by the Rhodes Trust. These scholarships support exceptional students from around the world to pursue postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford. The scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, and provide a stipend. They are awarded based on academic excellence, leadership potential, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Open to citizens of eligible countries/regions worldwide (varies by constituency).
  • Must have completed at least a bachelor’s degree before starting the scholarship.
  • Age requirements vary, but generally, applicants must be between 19 and 26 years old (varying slightly by constituency).
  • Should demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world

Scholarship Benefits and Worth

  • Benefits: Covers full tuition fees, a stipend for living expenses, accommodation, and travel expenses to and from the UK, and provides comprehensive support for personal and professional development.
  • Scholarship Worth: Varies depending on the duration and course of study. It covers the cost of attending the University of Oxford, including living expenses.

Scholarship Duration

The duration of the Rhodes Scholarship is typically two to three years for full-time graduate study at the University of Oxford, depending on the course of study pursued.

6. Gates Cambridge Scholarships

The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and are available for outstanding international students pursuing a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Cambridge. These scholarships cover the full cost of study, including tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses, and provide additional allowances for research and conferences.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Open to citizens of all countries outside the United Kingdom.
  • Must apply for a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Cambridge.
  • Should demonstrate outstanding intellectual ability, leadership potential, and a commitment to improving the lives of others

Scholarship Benefits and Worth

  • Benefits: Covers full tuition fees, a stipend for living expenses, accommodation, and airfare, and provides additional funding for research activities, fieldwork, and conferences.
  • Scholarship Worth: Varies depending on the duration and course of study. It provides full financial support for the entire period of study at the University of Cambridge.

Scholarship Duration

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship provides full financial support for the duration of a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Cambridge. The duration depends on the specific program and can range from one to three years.

Application Process For Scholarships to Study in the UK

Here are the general application steps for the scholarships mentioned;

a). Research: Explore the Chevening website and identify the courses and universities that interest you

b). Apply: Submit an online application through the Chevening application portal during the application period.

c). Selection: Applications go through a rigorous selection process, including review by expert panels and interviews.

d). Offer Acceptance: If selected, you will receive a conditional offer and must fulfill any remaining conditions.

e). Confirmation: Once all conditions are met, you will receive a final offer and can proceed with accepting the scholarship.

Please note that the application steps and procedures may vary for each scholarship program. It is important to visit the official websites of each scholarship for detailed and up-to-date information on the specific application process, requirements, and deadlines.


In summary, scholarships present an excellent opportunity for international students to pursue their academic ambitions in the UK. They alleviate financial burdens and open doors to a world-class education. By leveraging scholarships, students can not only fulfill their educational aspirations but also become part of a global network of scholars, fostering personal and professional growth.

Remember to explore various scholarship opportunities, carefully review the requirements, and submit compelling applications. With determination, perseverance, and the support of scholarships, you can embark on an enriching educational journey in the United Kingdom.